Army Talks was a series of short works published for GIs in the European theater of World War II “to help them become better-informed men and women and therefore better soldiers.”
Army Talks began publication in 1943, and continued through the end of the war in Europe. Issues were usually published on a weekly or biweekly basis, and each had its own title and topic. The pamphlets contained articles, combat tips, proclamations, maps, drawings, cartoons, news, updates, and other general information.
Some links download from this site while other links go to my dropbox account. If DropBox gives you errors or cannot connect, please try clearing your browser’s cache, and cookies and disable any third-party plugins (such as adblocker or Privacy Badger) as they may interfere with the ability of DropBox to render the pdfs. Special thanks to the 90th ID for making some of these available.
If you would like to purchase copies you can do so through Wartime Press. It looks like you get a digital copy as a pdf.I’m not sure if the copies are exact reproductions. If they are, it would be very neat to see these in the field.
Army Talks Vol. 3 No. 12 April 7th 1945 – What The Germans Told American Prisoners
Army Talks Vol. 3 No. 13 April 14th 1945 – What Homefolks Think
Army Talks Vol. 3 No. 14 April 14th 1945 – War and Peace after 1918
Army Talks Vol. 3 No. 15 April 17th 1945 – What About Manpower
Army Talks Vol. 3 No. 16 April 24th 1945 – What is America?
Army Talks Vol. 3 No. 17 May 1st 1945 – Five Points of US Foreign Policy
Combat Lessons
The Rank and file in combat, What they are doing, How they are doing it. The suggestions in Combat Lessons are drawn from the experience of the World War II American Soldiers in both Europe and the Pacific.