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Technical Writings

*WordPress Applied Research: Writings and articles on WordPress
WordPress Applied Research

Lesson Plans

*Virginia Council on Economic Education, Best Lesson Plan, 2014:
Award Winning Lesson Plan on Mercantilism

*Tobacco Economy Lesson Plan created from synthesizing multiple sources:
My lesson plan on the Tobacco Economy

*WordPress Lesson Plan for use in analyzing different points-of-view (POV):
WordPress Hunt

*World History II SOL Lesson Plan Page: Includes content, objectives, standards, and activities.
Lesson Plans for World History II SOLs

Academic Writings

I received my MA degree in Political Science from Virginia Tech. My thesis was on school boards, as I wanted to shine light into a little studied area. It uses a mix-method approach.

Political Science MA Thesis: Switch: A Case Study of Voter Turnout following Electoral Change in a School Board Election


The work I am most proud of is the work that came out of a series of veteran interviews I did for a college course. The veteran allowed me to view his personal journal and diary accounts and with his consent, permitted me to edit and publish a book of his memoirs. While he never lived to see his life’s work reach publication, I never forgot the promise I made to him.
Echoes of War
By: James Brindy
Edited by: Patrick Costa


Having been a historical reenactor for over two decades, I realized one thing that was a problem at many events: Communication. In the reenacting community it is difficult to get units to communicate and coordinate actions during an event. I recognized the need for change and wrote an article on how to use vintage radio equipment during events.

Article: The SCR-300 Radioman


I hold one copyright for an educational board-game for use with the Virginia educational Standards of Learning (SOLs).
Get Elected: A Game of Political and Financial and SOL Strategy.