12 Years a Slave Video Lesson Plans and Worksheets
While I never had an opportunity to test out 12 Years a Slave Video Lesson Plans and Worksheets I would have liked to have shown the film either at the end of the year or as part a discussion on slavery (either as part of a World History or US course).
If copies of the book may be found it may be worth it to have students read a chapter out of the book. This guide includes questions for each chapter along with enrichment activities (both for the book and the film)12 Years A Slave Reading Questions
While I never had an opportunity to teach the AP Psychology Lesson Plans and Worksheets (though I did receive training before we moved out of state), I thought it might be nice for other AP teachers to take advantage of the guides provided. Documents are either pdf or doc/docx.
Google Site: AP Psych File Cabinet: Includes lessons, PowerPoints, docs, articles, pdfs for 15 different units. Includes test-prep review materials: The AP Psych File Cabinet
The Basics of Research PowerPoint can be downloaded here.
40 Studies: A book that covers the 40 most important studies for Psychology. Includes student worksheets and questions
Visit the following and link and address the questions. Be sure to navigate to each page on the link.
Internet Safety Link
1. Why do people believe they are safer online than they actually are?
2. Explain the following internet threats
A. Malware
B. Phishing
C. Virus
D. Clickjacking
E. Browser Hijacking
G. Trojan Horse
3. What are three ways your internet privacy and safety can be violated?
4. Explain the following internet safety terms
A. Meme
B. Troll
C. Sockpuppet
D. Avatar
5. Google and Bing yourself using quotes. If information appears you do not like you can request Google or Bing to remove it.
You may need to have an account with Google or Microsoft in order to request a removal.
Note: If you identify any images or information contained in the search you do not like you can ask Google and Bing to remove them. Most search engines allow for that to happen BUT it may take several weeks before they are completely removed.
6 Ask yourself, how are your privacy settings on your social media sites: Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat etc? Are they open for anyone or just “Friends”?
Student’s will research an animal, complete a writing assignment, and describe how humans have interacted with the animals. Upon completion of the assignment student’s will view Madagascar I, Madagascar II, and Madagascar III and answer questions Student’s read a brief outline of Madagascar and answer 10 questions. Students then complete some zoological questions regarding different animal species. For more World Geography Lesson Plans Click Here.
Madagascar Reading Students read an outline of the country of Madagascar and answer 10 questions. Students then complete some zoological questions prior to watching the film.
Madgascar Activity I Teacher Answers for the above activity. Note that this packet also contains additional activities.
Collapse is a National Geographic film that looks at societies in the past for how they collapsed and disappeared. It’s a good film to use with the lesson plans below as it forces students to think critically about current society.
Premium Lesson Plans
I have a set of premium lesson plans you can use with the film. It has a viewing guide and a student discussion sheet where they analyze three different cultures(Anasazi, Vikings, Easter Islanders), complete charts, and answer questions. As well as a PowerPoint to help lead a discussion and provide instruction.
If you’re not interested in the premium lesson plans you can use the free handouts I’ve reworked from a Tread Lightly lesson plan to make your own. It contains three different cultures students need to analyze as well as a review of the causes and consequences of Climate Change.
Film: Note: Full copies may be purchased from National Geographic. The video below comes in parts.
Standards: The student will demonstrate knowledge of cultural, economic, and social conditions in developed and developing nations of the contemporary world by
Objectives: Analyzing the increasing impact of terrorism.
Lesson Plans: Introduction: A Bell-ringer activity
Notes: Students copy-down and discuss teacher generated notes
Activities: Students complete various in class activities to support learning including video analysis, maps, charts, diagrams, graphic organizers, worksheets, text-book questions, group discussion, KWL Charts etc.
Assessment: Informal, Formal, Exit-Questions, Teacher Questioning. Quizzes, Tests, Projects.
Essential Knowledge:
Examples of international terrorism
• Munich Olympics
• Terrorist attacks in the United States
(e.g., 9/11/2001) motivated by extremism (Osama bin Laden).
• Car bombings
• Suicide bombers
• Airline hijackers Governmental responses to terrorist activities
• Surveillance
• Review of privacy rights
• Security at ports and airports
• Identification badges and photos
Activities that support lesson plans Terrorism Analysis chart Questions Questions for use with Chart in World History II Scope and Sequence.