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Lesson Plans World History II SOL 13c

Lesson Plans World History II SOL 13c: China and Vietnam

Standard WH II: The student will demonstrate knowledge of major events in the second half of the twentieth century by

Objectives: describing conflicts and revolutionary movements in eastern Asia, including those in China and Vietnam, and their major leaders, i.e., Mao Tse-tung (Zedong), Chiang Kai-shek, and Ho Chi Minh.

Lesson Plans:
Introduction: A Bell-ringer activity
Notes: Students copy-down and discuss teacher generated notes
Activities: Students complete various in class activities to support learning including video analysis, maps, charts, diagrams, graphic organizers, worksheets, text-book questions, group discussion, KWL Charts etc.
Assessment: Informal, Formal, Exit-Questions, Teacher Questioning. Quizzes, Tests, Projects.

Essential Knowledge:
Terms to know
• containment: A policy for preventing the expansion of communism

Conflicts and revolutionary movements in China
• Division of China into two nations at the end of the Chinese civil war
• Chiang Kai-shek (Jiang Jieshi): Nationalist China (island of Taiwan)
• Mao Tse-tung (Mao Zedong): Communist China (mainland China)
• Continuing conflict between the two Chinas
• Communist China’s participation in Korean War

Conflicts and revolutionary movements in Vietnam
• Role of French Imperialism
• Leadership of Ho Chi Minh
• Vietnam as a divided nation
• Influence of policy of containment
• The United States and the Vietnam War
• Vietnam as a reunited communist country today

Activities that Support Lesson Plans

To Live China Lesson Plan: Lesson Based on the movie “To Live”.

To Live Lesson Plan Type 2 : Another Lesson based on the move “To Live”.

Mao Zedong Document readings worksheet: A worksheet where students analyze documents and answer questions.

Mao Zedong Biography Questions: Questions related to the biography on Mao Zedong: China’s Peasant Emperor.


Mao Zedong Hero or Villain Handout: Student handout where they analyze Mao’s quotes, complete a chart, and answer questions.

Chiang Kai-shek Short Biography Reading: Biography reading on Chiang Kai-Shek.

Vietnam War Reading Analysis: A student reading of primary sources (interviews) of those involved in the Vietnam War. Student complete a chart and answer questions.

Vietnam War Schlessinger Video: A video question guide to go with the Vietnam War as produced by Schlessinger.

Vietnam War Questionnaire Assignment: Student interview sheet where they select someone who involved in the Vietnam war and interview them.

Vietnam War Questionnaire Assignment PowerPoint: Teacher-led PowerPoint where the class analyzes their responses.

Vietnam Event Timeline: Timeline activity where students answer questions from the textbook.

How did the US Get involved in Vietnam readings: A reading on how the US got involved.

Vietnam US Involvement Reading: Another reading on how the US got involved in the Vietnam War.



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Lesson Plans World History II SOL11c Rise of the Dictators

Lesson Plans World History II SOL: 11c Rise of the Dictators

Standard WH II:  The student will demonstrate knowledge of political, economic, social, and cultural developments during the Interwar Period by

Objectives:  examining events related to the rise, aggression, and human costs of dictatorial regimes in the Soviet Union, Germany, Italy, and Japan, and

Lesson Plans
Introduction: A Bell-ringer activity
Notes: Students copy-down and discuss teacher generated notes
Activities: Students complete various in class activities to support learning including video analysis, maps, charts, diagrams, graphic organizers, worksheets, text-book questions, group discussion, KWL Charts etc.
Assessment: Informal, Formal, Exit-Questions, Teacher Questioning. Quizzes, Tests, Projects

Essential Knowledge:

U.S.S.R. during the Interwar Period — Joseph Stalin
• Entrenchment of communism
• Stalin’s policies: Five-year plans,
• Great Purge

Germany during the Interwar Period — Adolf Hitler

  • Anti-Semitism
  • Inflation and depression
  • Democratic government weakened
  • Extreme nationalism
  • National Socialism (Nazism)
  • German occupation of nearby countries

Italy during the Interwar Period — Benito Mussolini

  • Rise of fascism
  • Ambition to restore the glory of Rome
  • Invasion of Ethiopia

Japan during the Interwar Period — Hirohito and Hideki Tojo

  • Militarism
  • Industrialization of Japan, leading to drive for raw materials
    • Invasion of Korea, Manchuria, and the rest of China

Activities That Support Lesson Plans

Rise of Adolph Hitler 1 :A reading assignment in 4-parts.
Rise of Adolph Hitler 2
Rise of Adolph Hitler 3
Rise of Adolph Hitler 4
Stalin Red Terror Biography Questions: Questions to go with the A&E (Biography) Channel’s program on Stalin
Hitler and Stalin-Roots of Evil
:  Premium Video Viewing Guide of 24 questions to go with the History Channel’s program on Hitler and Stalin

 Hitler and Stalin Roots of Evil Video:


Joseph Stalin Biography The Red Terror: Playlist. Comes in 5 parts.


Click here to return to my Virginia SOL Lesson Plan Page


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Lesson Plans World History II SOL 9b

Lesson Plans World History II SOL 9b Capitalism and Communism

Standard WH II: The student will demonstrate knowledge of the effects of the Industrial Revolution during the nineteenth century

Objectives: Explaining the emergence of capitalism as a dominant economic pattern, and the subsequent development of socialism and communism.

Lesson Plans:
Introduction: A Bell-ringer activity
Notes: Students copy-down and discuss teacher generated notes
Activities: Students complete various in class activities to support learning including video analysis, maps, charts, diagrams, graphic organizers, worksheets, text-book questions, group discussion, KWL Charts etc.
Assessment: Informal, Formal, Exit-Questions, Teacher Questioning. Quizzes, Tests, Projects

Essential Knowledge:
• Adam Smith’s The Wealth of Nations
• Role of market competition and entrepreneurial abilities
• Impact on standard of living and the growth of the middle class
• Dissatisfaction with poor working conditions and the unequal distribution of wealth in society
Socialism and communism
• Karl Marx’s The Communist Manifesto (written with Friedrich Engels) and Das Kapital
• Response to the injustices of capitalism
• Importance to communists of redistribution of wealth

Activities That Support Lesson Plans

Communist Manifesto Complete : Analysis of the Communist Manifesto
Das Kapital Reading : Analysis of Das Kapital
Penny Game Capitalism and Communism: Zip file containing complete lesson on comparing capitalism and communism through the use pennies and the game of rock, paper, scissors.

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