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World History II SOL 14c Creation of Israel

Lesson Plans World History II SOL 14c Creation of Israel and Middle East States

Standard: The student will demonstrate knowledge of political, economic, social, and cultural aspects of independence movements and development efforts by

Objective: describing the end of the mandate system and the creation of states in the Middle East, including the roles of Golda Meir and Gamal Abdul Nasser.

Lesson Plans:
Introduction: A Bell-ringer activity
Notes: Students copy-down and discuss teacher generated notes
Activities: Students complete various in class activities to support learning including video analysis, maps, charts, diagrams, graphic organizers, worksheets, text-book questions, group discussion, KWL Charts etc.
Assessment: Informal, Formal, Exit-Questions, Teacher Questioning. Quizzes, Tests, Projects.

Essential Knowledge:

Mandates in the Middle East
• Established by the League of Nations
• Granted independence after World War II
• Resulted in Middle East conflicts created by religious differences French mandates in the Middle East
• Syria
• Lebanon

British mandates in the Middle East
• Jordan (originally Transjordan)
• Palestine (a part became independent as the State of Israel)

Golda Meir
• Prime Minister of Israel
• After initial setbacks, led Israel to victory in Yom Kippur War
• Sought support of United States

Gamal Abdul Nasser
• President of Egypt
• Nationalized Suez Canal
• Established relationship with Soviet Union
• Built Aswan High Dam

Activities that support lesson plans

Mid East Locations: A student handout that lists important locations in the Middle East

Nasser Philosophy of Revolution : A reading on Nasser’s revolutionary philosophy

Nasser Biography :A short reading on Nasser

Other lesson plans, charts, diagrams, readings, and maps may be purchased from Teacher Pay Teachers.

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Lesson Plans World History II SOL 11a

Lesson Plans World History II SOL 11a League of Nations

The student will demonstrate knowledge of political, economic, social, and cultural developments during the Interwar Period

Describing the League of Nations and the mandate system.

Essential Knowledge

League of Nations
-International Cooperative Organization
-Established to prevent future wars
-United States not a member
-Failure of League because it did not have power to enforce its decisions

The mandate system
• During World War I, Great Britain and France agreed to divide large portions of the Ottoman Empire in the Middle East between themselves.
• After the war, the “mandate system” gave Great Britain and France control over the lands that became Iraq, Transjordan, and Palestine (British controlled) and Syria and Lebanon (French controlled).
• The division of the Ottoman Empire through the mandate system planted the seeds for future conflicts in the Middle East.

Activities to support lesson
League of Nations :Documents for students to analyze
League of Nations Document Analysis :Instructions for analysis
League_of_Nations_Cartoon_Analysis_Worksheet :Worksheet to analyze political cartoons
League of Nations Cartoon Analysis :Political Cartoon Analysis
League of Nations Analysis:Worksheet on League of Nations
InterWar Period Curriculum Unit : Interwar Period Curriculum Unit

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