12 Years a Slave Video Lesson Plans and Worksheets
While I never had an opportunity to test out 12 Years a Slave Video Lesson Plans and Worksheets I would have liked to have shown the film either at the end of the year or as part a discussion on slavery (either as part of a World History or US course).
If copies of the book may be found it may be worth it to have students read a chapter out of the book. This guide includes questions for each chapter along with enrichment activities (both for the book and the film)12 Years A Slave Reading Questions
Lesson Plans World History II SOL 4e and 4f: Atlantic Slave Trade
Standard WH II: The student will demonstrate knowledge of the impact of the European Age of Discovery and expansion into the Americas, Africa, and Asia by
Objectives: e) mapping and explaining the triangular trade;
f) describing the impact of precious metal exports from the Americas.
Lesson Plans
Introduction: A Bell-ringer activity
Notes: Students copy-down and discuss teacher generated notes
Activities: Students complete various in class activities to support learning including video analysis, maps, charts, diagrams, graphic organizers, worksheets, text-book questions, group discussion, KWL Charts etc.
Assessment: Informal, Formal, Exit-Questions, Teacher Questioning. Quizzes, Tests, Projects Essential Knowledge:
SOL 4e and 4f The triangular trade linked Europe,
Africa, and the Americas. Slaves, sugar,
and rum were traded.
Export of precious metals
• Gold and silver exported to Europe
and Asia
• Impact on indigenous empires of the
• Impact on Spain and Intentional trade
Tobacco Economy and Slave Life Analysis Tobacco Economy and Slave Life Analysis for use also with Tobacco Economy video hosted at the Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation: http://www.historyisfun.org/video/tobacco-economy/ Note: With the above Tobacco Economy activities I only use the document analysis portion comparing slave life with that of the slave-master.e