Basic WordPress.COM Troubleshooting
If you run into issues with WordPress.COM here are some basic initial steps you can take to solve the problem.
1. Try clearing your browser cache and/or cookies.
What is my browser? https://www.whatismybrowser.com/
Note: This site will also show you other data such as IP address, JavaScript, cookies, flash, and geo-location information.
Clearing cache: http://www.refreshyourcache.com/en/home/
Clearing cookies: http://www.aboutcookies.org/DEFAULT.ASPX?page=2
See also a force refresh:
2. Using your browser with all extensions or add-ons disabled
3. Updating the browser to the latest stable version: www.browsehappy.com
4. Confirming third-party cookies are enabled on the browser. If they are, the site will give you a GREEN statement.
5. Confirming JavaScript is enabled and updated. If it is, the site will give you a GREEN statement.
6. Confirming Flash is updated and if required installing the latest version of Flash for your browser. If you do have flash you will see the animation.
7. Resetting your router and modem and rebooting your computer
then logging in using the secure https:// log-in
8. Be sure to add both *.wordpress.com and *.wp.com to your list of trusted sites under the Security tab. Make sure to uncheck the box for “Require server verification (https:) for all sites in this zone.”
9. Try another browser.
10. Try another device such as a laptop, desktop, tablet etc.
11. Try going through the Dashboard rather than the BEEP BEEP BOOP (BBB)editor.
To get to the Dashboard from the BBB editor: Select “My Sites”–>Find your Blog–>Click on the Gear–>Select “Go to Dashboard”.
12. When all else fails use the Sonic Screwdriver.