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Lesson Plans World History II 16a

Lesson Plans World History II 16a Refugees, Conflict, and Technology

The student will demonstrate knowledge of cultural, economic, and social conditions in developed and developing nations of the contemporary world by

identifying contemporary political issues, with emphasis on migrations of refugees and others, ethnic/religious conflicts, and the impact of technology, including chemical and biological technologies.

Lesson Plans: Introduction: A Bell-ringer activity
Notes: Students copy-down and discuss teacher generated notes
Activities: Students complete various in class activities to support learning including video analysis, maps, charts, diagrams, graphic organizers, worksheets, text-book questions, group discussion, KWL Charts etc.
Assessment: Informal, Formal, Exit-Questions, Teacher Questioning. Quizzes, Tests, Projects.

Essential Knowledge
Migrations of refugees and others
• Refugees as an issue in international conflicts
• Migrations of “guest workers” to European cities
Ethnic and religious conflicts
• Middle East
• Northern Ireland
• Balkans
• Horn of Africa
• South Asia
Impact of new technologies
• Widespread but unequal access to computers and instantaneous communications
• Genetic engineering and bioethics

Activities that support lesson plans

Cracking the Human Genome Project: Powerpoint with questions. For use with video.

For other lessons I have used refer to my friend’s Teacher Pay Teacher Site.