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Harvard Record Labels

Harvard Record Labels (1905-1907)

Harvard Records was a 78 record label sold exclusively by Sears. Columbia Records originally produced the record. The catalog numbers were similar to Columbia master catalogs. The Harvard Record Label used anonymous recordings. The records came in either 7in. or 10in. sizes.

Music Genres: Waltz, Patriotic, Orchestra, Comedic, Folk Songs, Black or “Coon” songs. (The Harvard Record label and Sears sold music that exemplified the time. Such musical lyrics that stereotyped dialects would be unacceptable today)

Pre-1941 Label: Plan label with blue lettering.

Harvard Disc Record. Courtesy of
Harvard Disc Record. Courtesy of

Uncle Josh was the pseudonym for Cal Stewart, a vaudeville actor that made the transition into sound. He is known for comedic narratives. While not on a Harvard Disc the recording below is indicative of Cal’s comedic style.

Another example of the early Harvard Disc Record label.

I Never Trouble Trouble until Trouble Troubles Me
I Never Trouble Trouble Until Trouble Troubles Me by Baritone and Tenor Duet

Not on a Harvard Record label but it demonstrates what the duet sounded like. You can note the same catalog number as the Harvard disc above. This was due to the fact that Harvard pulled from the master catalog of Columbia. Indeed, it appears the Peerless Disc Record did as well.

The Harvard Record label went through a label re-design in late 1906 or early 1907. This new design featured a collegiate pennant and lettering in orange.

World War Two Label: None. The label did not exist


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Montgomery Ward Records

Montgomery Ward Records (1933-1941)

Sold through Montgomery Ward’s catalog. Contracted pressing of records and licensing to Decca, RCA, Columbia, Victor, Bluebird, and others. These records could be found in their stores or in their catalogs.

Music Genres: Country, Pop, Blues, Western, Mexican, Swing.

1933-1941: Record Label

Record Label: Pre-WW2. Black or dark blue coloring always with gold. Note the design of semi-circles.
Montgomery Ward Record Label: Pre-WW2. Black or dark blue coloring always with gold. Note the design of semi-circles.
Produced in 1934
Montgomery Ward Record:  Produced in 1934

Cartwright Brothers on Montgomery Ward.

1941-1945s Label: None

Post-WW2 Label: None

Numbers from start to 1945: 1000-10173

Notes: 6000 is their light classical series.


Catalog Listing:

Rust, Brian. The American Record Label Book. Arlington House Publishers, NY. 1978.

Sutton, Nauck. American Record Labels and Companies: An Encyclopedia (1891-1943).Mainspring Press, CO.2000.

Music Genres: Country, Pop, Blues, Western, Mexican, Swing