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Six Months

Ugg…I am getting sick of writing Letters of Interest, Letters of Applications, Thank you Letters, continually adjusting my resume, and filling out fucking forms.

However, today, Gillian and I celerbrate our six month anniversity. I started dating her back on Dec 19th. I have enjoyed every moment I have spent with her. We’ve been through a lot together, New Years Eve, Coopers Wedding, assorted parties, midnight driving in downtown DC with roads that disappear and reappear in different sections, a scary hospital visit, Coffee infused walks through downtown Bowling Green, music concerts (which, I seriously do like going too…just not those kinds of concerts 🙂 ), trips to PA…through the snow, attempts to fix both our cars that result in casualities (like the day my battery died), clubbing in BG, shopping together, “Macguyverathons”, cooking together, and roommate timing just to name a few.

I miss you hun and cannot wait to see you fourth of july weekend.

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