Sorry I have not been posting. I prepared for an interview at Frederick County Public schools (near Winchester, VA) and it went HORRIBLE. It felt like I had no idea what I was talking about, I felt like I was being grilled…like they wanted to show the lack of experience I had. It also could be the four hour drive including a 1.5hr traffic jam around Manasas and me getting lost (twice) in Winchester and that it was over 90 degrees out and I was in a black suit. Or maybe it is because I really have no idea what I was talking about. ::Sigh::, All I know is that I hope my thank you letter scores some points.
At anyrate, I’ve also been applying to other positions.
Marietta,GA seems like a shot as does Anthony Wayne High School.
I’ve also been applying at Museum Education Positions. One in Rockford, ILL and another in Petersburg VA
I wil probably be applying to a Historical Prison in PA, apparently at one time home to Al Capone.
I’ve also been generating my own ideas on Museum Exhibts. I was thinking topics entitled:
1. Break your fast for Breakfast: The History of Breakfast
2. Money and Men: The History of the Mob
3. Tasty Creations: The History of American Brews and Beers (This would make sooooo much money)
4. Level Up!: The History of Video Games
5. The perfect slice: A History of Pizza.
–Feel free to add your own.
I still can not figure out where the hell to buy with a debit card at a decent price, fruit. I’ve been forced to eat fruit and veggies out of a can. My dinner today was Tuna and Carrots..straight out of the can. However, I still have flavored water!
Some of the random pictures of the city that I’ve taken-