Contained in the same box of tapes is a really solid gem of a self-produced album by a DJ Blunt. There are, in fact, lots of DJs named Blunt so tracking who made this is difficult.
The name of this album is Dope Cutz Volume 8, suggesting there are Dope Cutz 1-7 out there somewhere. The tape doesn’t seem to be made from a lower-quality product. The label on the tape is printed and says 1 for the first side and the same thing on the other, except a 2 for the second side.
The songs aren’t that bad and one song even includes a sampling from the OJ Simpson Trial (which might help to date the tape?).
The insert is shown below. A shot from below a set of stairs showing the sky, the stair handrail, the stair foundation, and an overhead light makes the insert. The insert is paper and clearly printed. Maybe someone will recognize this scene and let me know?
I digitized the songs but each side is one long song. I didn’t break up the MP3 so they play long and are big files. To listen to them you can download the file by clicking the link. If you need a .wav file, feel free to contact me.