I’ve recently discovered a fondness for Metal music (courtesy of Stranger Things and a few friends who like the genre). Now, other than Ghost (which is awesome) I haven’t explored the newer metal music. My metal tastes are stuck more or less in the 80s.
I’m a history guy by default and I can appreciate the early metal music more than the newer stuff because metal (and punk and rap) all come out of the same historical era, the deregulation and free market capitalism of Reagan (and Thatcher) which worked to kill the New Deal era programs/Welfare State and in doing so hurt the working class (both black and white). These policies were expressed as new musical genres.
In particular, I’ve been drawn to Metallica (though maybe one day I’ll explore Anthrax, Slayer, and Megadeath) as they were first brought to my attention in the 1990s when they achieved more mainstream success. I like the fast pace and it helps me get out my frustrations and stress. I just feel a bit better after listening to it.
So I’ve gone back and mined their original roots.
I’ve been purchasing a few of their original records. I prefer the original vinyl instead of a reproduction. Partially, it’s a potential asset and partially is just the “vibes and feels” it makes me feel to hold something original from a period.
One item I happened to pick up was the Ride The Lightening on the Megaforce label. Inside this gem was a super cool Metallica Metal Militia Membership and Merchandise 8.5in. by 11in. form.
For 5 dollars you got a 1-year membership and included things like a quarterly newsletter, autographs, buttons, and discounts on merchandise. With inflation, it would be $15.45 in Aug 2024 dollars.
I got it scanned and wanted to post it here (or click on the image) for folks to download and print off as a neat accessory for the album. So enjoy it!
Also, please don’t sue me Metallica. 😅