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Champion Record Label

Champion Record Label: 1925-1927.

Champion Records (1925-1934)

The Starr Piano Company produced the budget Champion Label from 1925 to Dec. 1934 and would often feature a release of a Gennett artist under a different name to avoid paying royalties. In 1927, the Champion label appeared with the word “Electrograph.” Champion records may be blue, black, or red. The Champion label was sold to Decca in June 1935. Decca would remove the word “Electrograph” and add the phrase “Electrically Recorded.” Decca discontinued the Champion label in April 1936.

Music Genres: Country, Jazz, Blues, “Race-Records”, Gospel, novelty, obscure, Hopi Indian Songs, political speeches, sound effects, Christmas greetings, and Klu Klux Klan Propaganda (pressed on the KKK’s labels 100%, 100% American, Hitch, or KKK)

Early Champion Label

Champion Record Label: 1925-1927.
Champion Record Label: 1925-1927.

Late Champion Label

Record Label: 1927-1936. Note the word “Electrograph” beneath Champion label.
Record Label: 1927-1936. Note the word “Electrograph” beneath the Champion label.

While not on a Champion Record, the song Mickey Mouse and Minnie’s in Town is just too cool not to hear:

1941-1945 Label: None

Post-WW2 Label: None

Numbers from start to 1945:

Notes: none

-Rust, Brian. The American Record Label Book. Arlington House Publishers, NY. 1978.
-Sutton, Nauck. American Record Labels and Companies: An Encyclopedia (1891-1943). Mainspring Press, CO.2000.

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